Programming in C Lab. (BCA Semester-I, BCA-52P-102) Practical Lab Manual 2024
Programming in C Lab. Part-A Program No. 1: Write a C program to read radius of a circle and to find area and circumference. Source Code: /* C-Program Area and…
Programming in C Lab. Part-A Program No. 1: Write a C program to read radius of a circle and to find area and circumference. Source Code: /* C-Program Area and…
PROGRAMMING IN C POINTERS IN C (By Naresh Gupta) What do you mean by Memory addresses/references? ü Computer memory consist of small cells/blocks in contiguous form. ü Each cell…
Tree ü Tree is a nonlinear data structure and acyclic connected graph that has no loops or cycle. ü Tree represents a hierarchical relationship among the various data elements. ü…
C-Programming A Practical Approach B.A./B.Sc. Part-II [Mathematics] Group B (All Programs) Numerical Integration Write a C program to evaluate By using: 1.Trapezoidal Rule 2.Simpson’s 1/3 Rule 3.Simpson’s 3/8 Rule…
For B.Sc.(Hons.)Maths Pt-II/BCA/MCA/B.Tech. (CS) Practical with Computer Programming in C Language. I N D E X S.N Name of the Experiment Group –“A” Page No. 1. C Program printing n…
Identifiers Identifires are the user/programmer defined name (words). Identifiers refer to the following - Names of variables - e.g. a, b, sum, st_name, total etc. Name of function …
C Language - Keywords Also known as reserved words or in-built words (Pre-defined words in Compiler) Keywords having a fixed meaning, these meanings cannot be changed. Keywords are used to…
C Characters Set Characters set are used to form of words, numbers and statements. Like natural languages, computer language will also have well defined characters set, which is useful…
By Naresh Gupta LBS COLLEGE, JAIPUR INTRODUCTION TO MS-DOS What is Operation System? § An operating system is a Systems Software. § Operating System is a control program for a…