Programming in C Lab.
Program No. 1:
Write a C program to read radius of a circle and to find area and circumference.
Source Code:
/* C-Program Area and Circumference of Circle */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { float r,area, circum; printf("Enter the Radius of circle: \n"); scanf("%f", &r); area = 22/7.0*r*r; circum = 2*22/7.0*r; printf("\n"); printf("Area = %7.2f \n", area); printf("circum = %7.2f \n", circum); return 0; } Output 1. Enter the Radius of circle: 7 Area = 154.00 circum = 44.00 2. Enter the Radius of circle: 13.6 Area = 581.30 circum = 85.49
Program No. 2:
Write a C program to read three numbers and find the biggest of three.
Source Code:
/* Read any three real numbers and find largest number using nested if */ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { float a, b, c, l; printf("Enter Any three Numbers (a, b, c): \n"); scanf("%f%f%f", &a,&b,&c); if(a > b) /* nested if */ if(a > c) l = a; else l = c; else if(b > c) /* else if ladder */ l = b; else l = c; printf("\nLargest Number = %.2f\n",l); return 0; } Output: 1. Enter Any three Numbers (a, b, c): 45 25 89 Largest Number = 89 2.Enter Any three Numbers (a, b, c): -45.98 -892.00 -23.67 Largest Number = -23.67