C Program of Regula-Falsi Method

C Program of Regular-Falsi Method

In this article we will see C Program of Regula-Falsi Method i.e. how to solve the algebraic and transcendental equations using Regula-Falsi Method or False position method.

The Regula–Falsi Method is a numerical method used for calculating the roots of a polynomial f(x).   A value x replaces the midpoint in the Bisection Method and serves as the new approximation of a root of f(x).

C Program of Regula-Falsi Method

We will see a C program for finding a real root of the equation x2+x-1=0 by using Regula-falsi (False Position) Method in the interval [0,1] correct upto three decimal places.

C Program of regula-falsi method

/*  Exp.No 2: Regula-Falsi Method (Finding the roots of given Equ.) */

#define f(x)  x*x+x-1
int main()
  float x0,x1,x2, y0,y1,y2, e;
  int maxitr,i;

  printf("Enter two initial starting roots \n");

  printf("Enter maximum iteration \n");

  printf("Enter the tolerance value \n");

  y0 = f(x0);
  y1 = f(x1);
  if (y0*y1 > 0.0)
     printf("Initial roots are unsuitable \n");
      x2 = (x0*y1-x1*y0)/(y1-y0);
      y2 = f(x2);
      if (fabs(y2) < e)
          printf("\nsolution is converge \n");
          printf("\nRoot of the given equ.is = %9.4f\n",x2);
      else if(y2*y0 < 0)
           x0 = x2;
           y0 = y2;
      return 0;


Enter two initial starting roots
0 1
Enter maximum iteration
Enter the tolerance value

solution is converge

Root of the given equ.is =    0.6180

You may also practice :-

  • Write a C program for finding a real root of the equation x6-x4-x3-3 = 0 in the interval 1.5 and 1.6 correct up to four decimal places.
  • Write a C program for finding a real root of the equation x3-x2-1 = 0  in the interval 1 and 2 correct up to four decimal places.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. FullLicenseKey

    Best platform to learn C program. Me ever want to learn it.
    Many thanks.

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