C++ Program to Check Whether the Given Number is Palindrome or Not

C++ Program to Check Whether the Given number is palindrome or not.

A Palindrome Number is a number whose reverse is same as itself i.e. when the given number is reversed then it will not effect the number and number will remain the same.

For Eg :- 121, 1441, 252 are palindrome numbers.

Now Lets see the C++ program to check whether the Given number is palindrome or not.

//Check whether the number is palindrome or not
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int n, temp, sum=0;
    cout << "Enter the Number: ";
    cin >> n;
    temp = n;
        sum = (sum*10) + n%10;
    if(temp == sum){
        cout << temp << " is a Palindrome number";
        cout << temp << " is not a palindrome number";
    return 0;

Output :-

Enter the Number: 5775
5775 is a Palindrome number

Enter the Number: 1234
1234 is not a palindrome number

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