C++ program to input three integers and print the largest number
In this post we will discuss the C++ program of how to find the largest number amongst the three numbers.
C++ program to input three integers and print the largest number
// Program to input three integers and print the largest number using namespace std; #include<iostream> #include<math.h> int main() { int a,b,c, large; cout<<"Enter the three integer numbers: "<<endl; cin>>a>>b>>c; if (a > b) if(a>c) large = a; else large = c; else if(b > c) large = b; else large = c; cout<<"====input Data are ===="<<endl; cout<<"a = "<<a<<endl; cout<<"b = "<<b<<endl; cout<<"c = "<<c<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"largest number is = "<<large<<endl; return 0; }