S.N. | Name/Title of Program |
1. | Write a C++ program that reads temperature in Celsius and display it in Fahrenheit. |
2. | Write a C++ program that reads three sides of triangle find area of triangle |
3. | Write a C++ program to compute simple interest and compound interest. |
4. | Write a C++ program to input three integers and print the largest number |
5. | Write a C++ program to input (1 or 2). If choice is 1, print the area of a circle otherwise print the perimeter of circle. Accept the radius of circle from user. |
6. | Write a C++ program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not. |
7. | Write a C++ program to take name, address as character array, age as int salary as float and contains inline functions to set the values and display it. |
8. | Write a C++ program calculate factorial values using friend function. |
9. | Write a C++ program read two integer number perform all arithmetic operations using OOPs concept. |
10. | Write a C++ Program to display Names, Roll No., and grades of 3 students who have appeared in the examination. Declare the class of name, Roll No. and grade. Create an array of class objects. Read and display the contents of the array. |
11. | Create a class TIME with members hours, minutes, seconds. Take input, add two time objects passing objects to function and display result. |
12. | Write a C++ Program to find a simple interest using constructor |
13. | Write a C++Program to demonstrate copy contractors. |
14. | Write a C++ program to demonstrate single level inheritance. |
15. | Write a C++ program to demonstrate multiple inheritance. |
16. | Design three classes STUDENT, EXAM and RESULT. The STUDENT class has data members such as rollno, name. create a class EXAM by inheriting the STUDENT class. The EXAM class adds data members representing the marks scored in six subjects. Derive the RESULT from the EXAM class and has its own data members such as totalmarks. Write a program to model this relationship. |
17. | Using the concept of function overloading Write function for calculating the area of triangle, circle and rectangle. |
18. | Write a program to overload unary increment (++) operator. |
19. | Write a program to overload binary + operator. |
20. | Write a C++ program read two numbers (any type) swap these number using function template. |
21. | Write a Program to Access Members of a STUDENT Class Using Pointer to Object Members. |
22. | Write a program containing a possible exception. Use a try block to throw it and a catch block to handle it properly. |
23. | Write a program to read a set of lines from the keyboard and to store it on a specified file. |
24. | Write a program to read a text file and display its contents on the screen. |
25. | Write a program to read the class object of student_info such as name, age, sex, height and weight from the keyboard and to store them on a specified file using read () and write () functions. Again the same file is opened for reading and displaying the contents of the file on the screen.
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anyone can please send me the codes of 6,17,21-25 on my email [email protected]
All the Practicals with their code will be uploaded soon.